Slide design

To turn the existing draft into a presentation, you will need an eye-catching, clear design with excellent typography and pixel-perfect illustrations.

It should take the information hierarchy and human perception into account — and be precisely in line with the brand guidelines. We’ll help you with that.

C$ 10−20 per slide.

The price depends on the slide complexity and can in rare cases reach C$ 40+. Good thing, tho: we won't count identical slides that differ only in text.

As a result

You’ll get an awesome looking and ready-to-use presentation in Keynote, PowerPoint or PDF.


Typically, complex slides should be divided into a few for better readability. I charge for the number of resulting slides, which may differ from your draft. I never abuse it, though.

C$250 discount

You will get a C$ 250 discount if you already paid for the initial consultation concerning this presentation.

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